Summary: This thesis discusses the particularity of the work of the social worker in urban/housing policy expressed in the requests, attributions and responses to the demands presented by workers in this socio-occupational space. The research is qualitative, with bibliography and document review technique and application of semi-structured interviews with 52 (fifty-two) Social Workers from public and private institutions in the States of Amapá, Amazonas, Maranhão and Pará. it takes place to carry out socioeconomic diagnoses, select who has the profile to access housing, and above all the request occurs through Ordinance 464 of the extinct Ministry of Cities, which directs that the implementation of Social Work be coordinated by a trained professional in Social Work or Social Sciences. It was verified in the field research, with the document review of the ST projects, that the majority were coordinated by Social Workers. Thus, understanding the particularity of work in this specific field requires understanding the essence of the Capitalist Mode of Production, as housing as a high-cost value is not guaranteed for a group of workers, access being possible only through social policies. In this scenario the Social Worker, a salaried worker, is inserted. In the field research, it was possible to verify that most of the interviewees had a precarious employment relationship, with temporary contracts. The institutional request to the Social Worker under the Urban/Habitation Policy is related to the implementation of Social Work with the feasibility of socio-educational actions guided by the axes defined by Ordinance 464 of July 25, 2018, of the extinct Ministry of Cities, which are: Mobilization, organization and social strengthening; Monitoring and social management of the intervention; Environmental and heritage education; Socioeconomic development. The request is also linked to work within the municipal secretariats to carry out a socioeconomic and socio-territorial diagnosis, selection of beneficiaries for the programs, planning, monitoring and evaluation of Social Work, when this is carried out by outsourced institutions. According to the interviews, this request occurs due to the ability of this worker to mediate with the beneficiaries, both in the relationship with the implementing body of the policy, and in the mediation of conflicts, above all, for the consensus around the actions; an expanded view of reality, the professional analyzes the context and socioeconomic conditions of individuals; ability to identify the social vulnerability situations of families and people's needs; knowledge of the intersectorial network of social policies, as it directs and facilitates access to social rights; theoretical training, technical operative competence, the Social Worker performs assistance, monitoring, investigation and prepares a social opinion. Regarding the attributions, according to the field research, 100% of the social work projects were coordinated by Social Workers, and the technical teams were also composed mostly of Social Work professionals. Regarding the attributions, the main ones are related to socio-educational actions and assistance and referrals; Community organization; Formation of leaders; Select the demand to be met; Individualized assistance; Home visit; Assessment of the “degree of vulnerability”; Referrals for access to different public policies (social rent, health, education, social assistance); Carry out social duty; Prepare reports of the actions taken; Develop socioeconomic diagnosis of families. It is understood that the professional responses, as a result of the survey, point to meeting institutional requirements, but also the needs presented by workers benefiting from the actions. The particularity of the Social Worker's work is mediated by the political ethical project, by the professional training guided by the theoretical-methodological and political ethical dimensions. Therefore, there is a request for institutions and professional attributions, but the answers given to the requests and demands are shrouded in contradictions, as the socio-educational actions carried out may or may not have a critical content about the reality experienced.

Keywords: Human Need; Home; Urban/Housing Policy; Social service.

Review Board:

Profa. Dra.   JOANA VALENTE SANTANA (Counselor)-UFPA

Profa. Dra.  SOLANGE MARIA GAYOSO DA COSTA (Internal Evaluation) – UFPA

Profa. Dra.   YOLANDA APARECIDA DEMETRIO GUERRA  (Internal Evaluation) – UFPA

Profa. Dra.  OLGA PEREZ SOTO (External Evaluator)-UNIBARCELONA

Profa. Dra.  SANDRA MARIA ALMEIDA CORDEIRO (External Evaluator)-UEL

Location: Google Meet:

Date: 12/17/2021

Home: 09:30