Title of Dissertation: "APPROPRIATION OF URBAN SPACE ON THE EDGE IN BELÉM, PARÁ: case study of Social Classes and their different strategies for appropriation of territory in Portal da Amazônia"

Student: Lidiane Maria Siqueira David

 Abstract: This research aims to analyze the different strategies of appropriation of urban space in Portal da Amazônia in Belém, Pará, in view of two antagonistic realities, families in rent aid and the Atacadão project. In the face of these two subjects, the fraction of the working class, represented by families in aid of renting the Portal da Amazônia, and the great capital, represented by a large enterprise in the food sector, Atacadão S.A, there is a dispute over the appropriation of the reconfigured urban space, the Amazon Portal on the edge of Belém do Pará. To make this contradiction explicit, we characterize the socio-historical reality of these two social classes and highlight their contradictions, configured and materialized in their different strategies of appropriation of urban space. In this direction, the research focused on the critical dialectical method, having as methodological procedures the bibliographic survey, documental and field research. Thus, the use of the quali-quanti approach was chosen, in addition to the ethnographic technique, as a subsidy for the case study. Therefore, the work focused on theoretical references on social appropriation of space/territory, appropriation and reappropriation of urban space, capitalist expansion, capitalist state, capitalist social state, among others. In view of this, it was glimpsed in the bibliographic survey of classic and contemporary authors who discuss: the right to the city in capitalist society; uneven and combined development of territory, housing and urban policy in Brazil; and the Amazon territory and different strategic interventionist forms. The documentary research included readings and analyzes of official documents from the Municipality of Belém, the State and Federal Public Ministry of Pará, Atacadão's embargo documents and Atacadão's operating release documents. With regard to data collection, semi-structured interviews were carried out with two families resettled in Portal da Amazônia, a representative of the Residents Association of the Portal da Amazônia Project, a representative of PROMABEN and a representative of SEHAB. And to add to this collection, 28 semi-structured questionnaires were applied to families that are on rent aid. Among the results achieved in this dissertation, there are four contradictory processes, namely: Precariousness of political, economic, social and cultural relations in urban space/territory; (Dis)articulation of social classes (worker and manager) in urban space/territory; Legally/regularly qualifies the precariousness of capitalist relations, disqualifying the working class and qualifying the ruling class; and the Strategic Logic of Reappropriation of the River south rim of Belém. It is noteworthy that these processes emerge from the conflicting relationships of the research subjects, and these determinations tend to intensify the expansion of the capitalist mode of production in the Portal of the Amazon expressed in the contradictory processes of the strategy of resistance and permanence of families in rent aid, as also, the strategy of repossession of the river bank, border of the Portal da Amazônia, by the Atacadão S.A. Therefore, the different strategies of appropriation of the urban space of the social classes, in the Portal of the Amazon, reveal this territory as a north of the expansion of the capitalist mode of production in the revitalized south river rim.

KEYWORDS: Appropriation of urban space. Amazon Portal. Families on rent aid. Atacadão Enterprise. Case study.



Banca Examinadora:



Prof.ª Dr.ª MARIA ELVIRA ROCHA DE SA (Av. Externa) – IAGUA



Local: Sala Multimeios FAAD/ICSA

Data: 21/10/2022

Inicio: 15h00