Title: "the growth acceleration program (PAC) in BELÉM DO PARÁ: social development or reproduction of social insecurity no families?"



Abstract: the present study has as its centrality to examination of the proposal for the development of the growth acceleration program (PAC), particularly the experience in Belém/PA, community faith in God, a subdivision of the Tenoné-Icoaraci. The PAC is created in 2007, in the second term of Lula (2007-2010) with the aim of promoting the resumption of planning and execution of great works of social infrastructure, urban, energy and logistics in the country, contributing to its development through job creation and income generation with investments in structuring sectors of the country. In this sense, in this research, we seek to verify the extent to which the experience of the PAC, while urban intervention program contributes to social development or if it just contributes to the reproduction of the social insecurity of the beneficiary families.

Keywords: development. PAC. Bethlehem.

Review Board:

Profa. Dr. Sandra Helena Ribeiro Cruz (Counselor)-UFPA

Profa. Dr. Keris Gayoso (Internal Evaluation)-UFPA


Prof. Dr. suley Mahmoud (External Evaluator)-UFPA

Location: classroom IP-11

Date: 6/1/2015

Home: 10:00


Finish: 12:00