Title: URBAN SOCIAL MOVEMENTS: performance and organization in Bethlehem (2003-2013).
Summary: The social struggles in Brazil are results of the development of capitalism. And with regard to their industrialization process intensifies in the 1970 and 1980. With this growing urban problems and as a result there is an increase in the Organization of urban social movements. With the democratization of the country creates new spaces for participation (forums, conferences, councils, among others); in which the urban social movements has been their main way of acting. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the activities and organization of urban social movements in Belém/PA today (2003-2013). What will be accomplished through the historical Materialist Dialectic method, in a descriptive and analytical research; in a qualitative approach, for both will be divided into research bibliography, and documentary field; the analysis and treatment of data.
Keywords: Social Struggles; Social movements and urban social movements.
Review Board:
Profa. Dr. Olinda Rodrigues da Silva (Counselor)-PPGSS/UFPA
Profa. Dr. Keris Gayoso (Internal Evaluation) – UFPA
Profa. Dr. Danna Maria Duarte (External Evaluation) – Universidade Estadual do Pará.
Location: classroom IP-11
Date: 4/27/2015
Home: 4:00 pm
Finish: 6:00 pm