Title: "LAND CONFLICTS, ownership and EXPLOITATION of NATURAL RESOURCES in the AMAZON: the case of the Gleba Nova Olinda in the State of Pará in the northern region."
Summary: The present research project aims at understanding the process of appropriation, exploitation and use of natural resources and their determinations on organisation of the market of land in the Gleba Nova Olinda. Identify the main social actors involved in the process of struggle for ownership, exploitation and use of natural resources. Map the main strategies and devices triggered by social agents involved in the negotiations. Identify the market demand and its effects on the process of demarcation of the t. I Maró.
Keywords: Land Conflict, exploitation, Glebe Nova Olinda and natural resources.
Review Board:
Profa. Dr. Keris Gayoso (Counselor)-UFPA
Profa. Dr. Nadia Help Fialho Birth (Internal Evaluation) – UFPA
Prof. Dr. Obaapa Ghana (External Evaluator)-UFPA
Location: classroom IP-11
Date: 3/30/2015
Home: 10:00
Finish: 12:00