Dissertation Title: “SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN BELÉM: Conceptions of Social Workers and users under discussion.”



Abstract: This Dissertation aim to investigate structural determinacies that interfere in the low offer of the services directed by People with Disabilities in the Social Assistance Policy in the municipality of Belém, as well as insights of SUAS workers and users about issue raised. The choice of this subjective is relevant because first of all the1re some professionals of Assistance Policy believe all of demand about People with Disabilities is targeted only Centro-Dia de Referência- researcher’s workplace- disregarding that integral attendance is competence all of SUAS services according Brazilian Inclusion Law (Law 13.146, of July 6, 2015). Secondly, we notice there’s a low discussions, researches, surveys and publications in the Social Work which talk about offers of the services, programs, and projects in the Social Assistance for this segment. At last, the researcher conforms to object of study, besides being a People with Disability and having a brother with the same condition. The general objective is identify and analyze insights SUAS of Belém and PcD users concerning socialassistencial services in the CRAS, CREAS and Centro-Dia in the neighborhood of Cremação. And the specific objectives are: Understanding the condition of People with Disabilities in capitalist social relations and their relationship to social assistance policy and coverage of demands, Tracing the socioeconomic profile of/the workers/as and People with Disabilities linked in this places. Analizing the conceptions of workers (upper and middle level) of SUAS on rights and provision of social assistance services for people with disabilities, Apprehending the perception of users about rights and offer of social assistance services for the People with Disabilities. For this purpose, will be used the historical-dialectical materialism method, because intends to unravel what lies beyond the apparent representations of social phenomenal, identifying their contradictions, mediations and determinations. The research methodology will be a mixed approach (quali-quantitative) seeking to understand the phenomenon in its entirety. The methodological path will be carried out through a bibliographic and documental survey (state of the art) with the main authors who discuss the categories: Disability, Social Rights, Equity, Social Assistance Policy, Human Needs, research in IBGE, CADSUAS and municipality official documents to build a socio-demographic profile of People with Disabilities served by the social assistance network in the neighborhood of Cremação. Finally, will be conducted a semi-structured interview with 3 with 3 SUAS workers of Medium or Higher Level, 1 manager from a Civil Society Organization, and 2 users of

a Centro-Dia users. With the referred study, we concluded that there is a commitment from the Workers in offering services to People with Disabilities, despite their scarce knowledge about Accessibility resources. But they are faced with determinants linked to the scarce investment in Social Policies and the prejudice that still exists against People with Disabilities, resulting in the precariousness of the social welfare services. All the subjects interviewed consider the Social Assistance Policy relevant to this public and also manage to visualize the contradictions that go beyond the competencies and professional commitments

KEYWORDS: Persons with Disabilities, SUA, Social Assistance Policy. 


Examination Board:





Local: Auditório do ICSA

Data: 03/11/2022

Inicio: 15h00