Title: "SOCIAL SERVICE and MENTAL health: the relationship between training centres and professional demands in the centers of psychosocial care (CAPS) of Belém, Pará.
Student: Andrea Ferreira Lima da Silva
Abstract: this research project aims to conduct a scientific investigation, from the general objective: to analyze the relationship between training centres and professional demands in the centers of psychosocial care (CAPS) of Belém/PA. Identify the theoretical-methodology that supports the work of social workers in CAPS. Identify what type of training and/or training are required to meet the demands of professionals in the CAPS ' s. Correlate the technical dimension-ethical-political operative and in CAPS with training centres.
Keywords: mental health, Social services, day-care Centres.
Review Board:
Profa. Dr. Adriana de Azevedo Mathis (Counselor)-PPGSS/UFPA
Profa. Dr. Joana Valente Santana (Internal Evaluation)-PPGSS/UFPA
Profa. Dr. Maria Lucia Teixeira Garcia (External Evaluation)-Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo.
Location: classroom IP-11
Date: 4/13/2015
Home: 5:00 pm
Finish: 7:00 pm