Title: "SOCIAL services and INTERDISCIPLINARITY: a study of dialogue between knowledges in specialized reference center of Social Assistance in Bethlehem".


Summary: from the need to reflect the professional praxis in a socio-occupational space of Social Service, the present research project aims to analyze and understand the relationship of Social work as a profession now by action/intervention of a social worker during the performance, together with other social workers in an interdisciplinary perspective on socio-occupational space of the reference center Specialized Social assistance-CREAS in Bethlehem.


Keywords: CREAS, interdisciplinarity, Social Service.

Review Board:

Prof. Dr. Reinaldo Noble Bridges (Supervisor)-UFPA

Profa. Dr. Vera Lucia Batista Gomes (Internal Evaluation) – UFPA


Prof. Dr. Carlos Jorge Passion (External Evaluator)-UFPA

Location: IP-12 classroom

Date: 4/6/2015

Home: 3:00 pm


Finish: 5:00 pm