Title of the Dissertation Project: “AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONS: an analysis focused on the permanence of black and black students at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon - UFRA.”

Master's Student: Ivanna da Silva Nascimento


Abstract: This qualification project proposes a study aiming to: Analyze whether affirmative actions aimed at the permanence of black and black students developed at UFRA meet the objectives of the National Program of Student Assistance - PNAES for the period 2017 to 2021. The specific objectives are: to map affirmative actions that may contribute to the permanence of black and black students; analyze the rates of dropout, retention, locking and timely completion of black and black students assisted/assisted by affirmative actions and identify with students how affirmative actions developed by UFRA contribute to their permanence. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, the present study will be developed based on the critical social theory method, based on methodological procedures: bibliographic survey, documentary and field research. This is a research with a qualitative and quantitative focus. The bibliographic survey will have as its source the productions of reference authors about the object of study. Documentary research will include consultation and analysis of institutional documents. The field research will be carried out through interviews with the management and technicians of the Pro-Rectory of Student Affairs - PROAES/UFRA, as well as by applying a questionnaire to be sent by google forms to the self-declared black and black students attended by the PNAES at UFRA. Moreover, in 2022 this law completes 10 years making it necessary to expand the discussion that was before the admission, now for the permanence of these students.


Keywords: Affirmative actions, permanence policy, UFRA.



Examination Board:

Prof. Dr. Welson de Sousa Cardoso (Orientadora) - UFPA

Prof.ª Dr.ª Maria Antônia Cardoso Nascimento(Avaliadora Interna) - UFPA

Prof.ª Dr.ª Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Rodrigues Chaves (Avaliadora Externa) UFAM



Local: Sala Multimeios FAAD/ICSA

Date: 25/05/2022

Start: 16H00