Title of the Dissertation: SOCIAL SERVICE AND RACE RELATIONS: a study on the insertion of the theme racial in the training of social workers.
Sumary: This dissertation proposes to analyze the insertion of the racial theme in the training of social workers, investigating how, in the Pedagogical Projects of Social Work courses, of the Universities UFA‘s affiliated to ABEPSS in the northern region of Brazil, the ethical-political commitment of Social Work with the elimination of all forms of prejudice and discrimination, from the point of view of the incorporation of contents concerning the Brazilian racial issue. Its frame of reference is the method of historical-dialectical materialism for the interpretation and analysis of reality. This is an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory study. For the bibliographic survey, a systematic literature review was carried out in the annals of the congresses like the CBAS occurred between the years 2013 to 2019, the ENPESS, occurred between the years 2010 to 2018, in 11 Social Service journals qualified by the Qualis system with the extracts of A1 and A2, on the google academic and BDTD platforms, which resulted in 20 works that simultaneously addressed Social Work, professional training and the ethnic-racial issue. In the document analysis, in the light of the Content Analysis technique (Bardin, 1977), the Pedagogical Projects of the Social Service Courses of seven Academic Training Units (IMMES/AP; UFAM/MANAUS; UFPA/BREVES; UFPA/BELÉM were examined. ; UFMA; UFT; and UFPI). The results point to a discreet incorporation of the racial theme in PPC;s crossed by ambivalent forms of content aggregation, sometimes prioritizing the debate, sometimes diluting it among countless contents. It is also assumed that the terminological aggregation of the contents is impacted by the legal regulations that altered the legislation of basic guideliness for education - LDB to incorporate issues related to Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture, as well as the social forces active in the process of fighting for equality, as well as the changes arising from affirmative action policies in the academic scenario.
Keywords: Social Work; training in Social Work; racial issue; race relations.
Review Board:
Prof.ª Dr.ª Cristina Maria Areda Oshai (Advisor) - UFPA
Prof.ª Dr.ª Maria Antonia Cardoso Nascimento (Internal Evaluator) – UFPA
Prof.ª Dra.ª Wilma de Nazaré Baia Coelho (External Appraiser) – UFPA
Local: Sala Multimeios FAAD/ICSA
Data: 29/08/2022
Inicio: 09h00