Title: "Social Assistance and PwD's in Belém Conceptions of Social Workers and users under discussion"
Summary:This Dissertation Project aims to investigate the structural determinations that interfere in the limited offer of services directed to People with Disabilities in the Social Assistance Policy in the city of Belém, as well as the perceptions of SUAS workers and users about the question raised. The service to PwD's and their families within the Social Assistance Policy is recommended in the Brazilian Inclusion Law (Law 13,146, of 6 July 2015), which states that the services offered to this public aim to "guarantee the security of income, reception, qualification and rehabilitation, the development of autonomy and family and community coexistence, for the promotion of access to rights and full social participation” (Art. 39). The objective is to understand the perception of SUAS workers (Belém) and users (PcDS/SUAS) regarding social assistance rights and services in CRAS, CREAS and Centro-Dia Belém in the Cremação neighborhood. Therefore, the historical-dialectical materialism method will be used, as it aims to unravel what is beyond the apparent representations of social phenomena, thus identifying their contradictions, mediations and determinations. The research methodology will be the mixed approach (quali-quantitative) seeking to understand the phenomenon in its entirety. The methodological path will be carried out through a bibliographic and documentary survey (state of the art) with the main authors who discuss the categories: Disability, Social Rights, Equity, Social Assistance Policy, Human Needs and Social Policies, research in IBGE databases , IPEA, DATASUS and DATASUAS to build a sociodemographic profile of the PwDs served by the social assistance network in the neighborhood of Cremação. Finally, a semi-structured interview will be carried out with 2 SUAS workers of secondary or higher education and 1 PwD user with preserved cognitive or family members from the following spaces: CRAS Cremação, CREAS Ilka Brandão and Centro Dia de Referência.
Keywords: Persons with Disabilities, SUAS, Social Assistance Policy. Equity.
Review Board:
Profa. Dra. CILENE SEBASTIANA DA CONCEICAO BRAGA (internal evaluation) - UFPA
Profa. Dra. IDILIA FERNANDES (external evaluation)-ULBRA
Link: https://meet.google.com/cyu-
Date: 12/15/2021
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