Title: "SOCIAL SERVICE AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION: Conceptions and professional practices in Urban Land Regularization Projects of Social Interest."



Summary:This research project presents as a study proposal the following object: Conceptions and professional practices of social workers based on the Ethical-Political Project of Social Work/Regulation of the CFESS/CRESS Set, in Urban Land Regularization projects of Social Interest. Its general objective is to analyze the conceptions and practices of Social Workers in stimulating social participation, based on the Ethical-Political Project of Social Work/Regulation of the CFESS/CRESS Complex, in Urban Land Regularization projects of Social Interest. The specific objectives are: to map the conceptions of Social Workers about social participation in Social Work in Urban Land Regularization of Social Interest projects; identify practices of Social Workers in encouraging social participation in Social Work in Urban Land Regularization projects of Social Interest; to correlate professional responses of Social Workers in stimulating social participation in Social Work, with the Ethical-Political Project of Social Work/Regulation of the CFESS/CRESS Complex, in Urban Land Regularization projects of Social Interest. To achieve the objectives proposed in this study, we will rely on the method of historical and dialectical materialism as we understand that the method in Marx makes it possible to have a political posture of unveiling appearance, as well as pointing out its contradictions and ideological foundations and mediations with the totality. In the methodological procedures, the Systematic Literature Review/RSL technique will be used as an alternative given the impossibility of being in the field due to the Coronavirus Pandemic (SARS-COV-2), this technique makes it possible to analyze and review studies already carried out on a certain topic in a targeted and rigorous way with established criteria.

Keywords:Urban Land Regularization of Social Interest. Social Participation. Social service.


Review Board:


Prof. Dr. WELSON DE SOUSA CARDOSO (internal evaluation) - UFPA

Profa. Dra.  EDIVANIA SANTOS ALVES (external evaluation)-PPGSA/UFPA



Link:  https://meet.google.com/tpm-igbx-ddc

Date: 12/21/2021

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