Title of Thesis Project: SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND INCOME TRANSFER IN PARÁ: Fighting poverty?
Doctoral student: Severino da Silva Martins Júnior
Abstract: The present research entitled: “SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND INCOME TRANSFER IN PARÁ: Fighting poverty? It is a qualitative research, and its
research proposal is placed in the perspective of analyzing the Income Transfer Policies - PTR of the federal government, Benefício de Prestação Continuada - BPC, and Bolsa Família Program - PBF in the state of Pará, based on in the reality of the 06 (six) municipalities with the highest GDP: Belém, Parauapebas, Marabá, Ananindeua, Barcarena and Tucuruí, in the period from 2005 to 2022. Based on analyzes anchored in the historical-critical social theory, it will be sought to understand the effects of the respective policies in the real confrontation with the situation of poverty in the state, analyzing how these policies impact on the improvement of the quality of life of the beneficiary families. The BPC and the PBF are conditional income transfer policies, which are placed in the context of an asymmetrical economic and social scenario, marked by inequality, and which have different ideological meanings around their operationalization, these policies are inserted within the scope of the government through social tension, and emerge mainly as an important mechanism for reducing poverty, where this perspective of “alleviating it”, points to a model of social protection. Income transfer policies add humanitarian values as they start to generate political, social and economic benefits, aiming to meet social rights achieved under organization and struggle for society of which they are guaranteed by law, guided by collectivized aspirations. Obtaining empirical data for this study will be achieved through an articulated set of research strategies and techniques, which will be permanently guided by the theoretical-methodological perspective of critical social theory, because we understand that the method needs to cross all dimensions of the search. It is also pointed out that we chose to follow part of the methodological proposal of the Regional Research of SUAS, however, receiving the necessary adjustments in order to achieve the objectives of this research.
Keywords: Income transfer. Poverty. Social assistance. Social protection.
Examination Board:
Prof.ª Dr.ª Sandra Helena Ribeiro Cruz (Advisor) - UFPA
Prof. Dr. Welson de Sousa Cardoso (Internal Evaluator) - UFPA
Prof.ª Dr.ª Maria Antônia Cardoso Nascimento (Internal Appraiser) - UFPA
Prof.ª Dr.ª Liliane Moser (External Appraiser) - UFSC
Prof.ª Dr.ª Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Rodrigues Chaves (External Appraiser) - UFAM
Local: Plataforma Google Meet
Data: 30/06/2022
Inicio: 09H00
Link: https://meet.google.com/fsx-xhwe-mfj