Title: "RURAL YOUTH and work: the case of the settlement April Martyrs district of Mosqueiro/PA".


Summary: the project aims, search the reality of young people who are in the age group of 15 to 29 years and who are in formal and informal jobs outside of the settlement April Mosqueiro Martyrs. Get by the theoretical-methodological analyze is reality. For it will be used that will help us on instrumental analysis of this. This research arises from the observation that many young people are working outside of the settlement April Martyrs, and consequently comes questions about the continuity of the productive work on Earth and this youth organisation as young collective of MST.

Keywords: youth, rural youth, labour, agrarian, political issue.

Review Board:

Profa. Dr. Nadia Help Fialho birth (Counselor)-UFPA

Profa. Dr. Sandra Helena Ribeiro Cruz (Internal Evaluation) – UFPA


Prof. Dr. William Santos de Assis (External Evaluator) – UFPALocal: IP-12 classroom

Date: 6/2/2015

Home: 4:00 pm

Finish: 6:00 pm